Spot welding machines
CEMSA spot welders are built with strong tubular frames, guaranteeing the best rigidity, which is one of the main requirements for obtaining the best quality in the welding process. CEMSA supplies welding machines equipped with AC power units, DC inverters, medium frequency in the range of 15kVA to 1000kVA. Available solutions include: standard column-type; gantry-type with multi-heads; CNC or rotary table welding cells; indexing multi-station welding cells operated by robots and/or automatic transfers. CEMSA develops customized solutions, taking into account special tooling and add-ons to guarantee the best flexibility with the highest productivity for a lean production system, including an Industry 4.0 system.
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Zobacz nasze wdrożenia
- Processing on presses
- Press automation
- Hot forging
- Machining
- Rollforming
- Plate bending
- Bending and cutting of sheet metal
- Cutting from coil
- Resistance welding
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